
The New MegaUpload Reincarnation | MegaUpload Become - Next January, MegaUpload as a file sharing site, will be born by the name of Mega. The founder of MegaUpload, Kim Dotcom, says that the site will avoid the United States (U.S.) copyright infringement.

Dotcom said the will be launch soon, as the "child" from MegaUpload. Mega will be launched in January 2013, which is also a "celebration" of the anniversary of the raid on his house and websites MegaUpload closure in January 2012.

As we know, MegaUpload closed for allegedly hosting storage service as millions of movies, music, and digital media piracy. But according to Kim DotCom, a new cloud storage service is different from MegaUpload.

These differences, among others, there is no use of the domain [. Com], but will operate with domain [. Ga] as []. These services also will not use U.S. hosting company.

Content owners can also remove material that violates their copyright and get direct access to remove it at the Mega service. "But it can be done if they agree not to make us responsible for the actions of users," said Dotcom. So welcome back MegaUpload

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