
RIM Ready To Share Free BlackBerry 10 via Twitter

Get Free BlackBerry 10 By Twitter
pict: techno.okezone | Get Free BlackBerry 10 By Twitter - Ahead of the launch of the BlackBerry 10, Research In Motion (RIM) on January 30, 2013 will provide the newest products for free.

Canadian companies roll out this promo program through social networking site, Twitter. If lucky, the contestant will receive one of the 30 BlackBerry based BB 10 devices for free.

"To enter the contest, follow @ BlackBerry on Twitter ( In the contest, participants are required to post related tweets interesting things from the BlackBerry 10 # BlackBerry10TO, "said RIM in its official website.

Well, for this contest, contestants are limited candidates may only post a maximum of 10 twits per account. In addition, the twits material is your own work.

Furthermore, RIM will send a message to those who meet the requirements via direct message (DM) on 23 to 28 January 2013. In addition, the information can also be accessed through the official website of RIM.

For your information, the BlackBerry device 10 itself can already be ordered in Canada through the pre-order, and it will end up sent to subscribers in February 2013.

Besides introducing BB 10 operating system, the BlackBerry manufacturer will also showcase two new devices. According to the news BlackBerry Z10 and X10 will show off at the event held in New York, United States (U.S.). Then Get Free BlackBerry 10 By Twitter

