
Sony :PS4 is About Fun

PS4 is About Fun | PS4 is About Fun - Sony continues to praise their latest console, PlayStation 4. Latest, Sony World Studio President Shuhei Yoshida optimistic that PlayStation 4 focus on providing a good experience to the players.

According to Yoshida, PlayStation 4 is more than the ability to upgrade hardware as well able to give pleasure to play with the other features and functions. "The biggest message we want to send in preparation for the event, including designing the PS4 in Sony and Sony Computer Entertainment is a natural step for us to improve core technologies and hardware capabilities. However, the hardware was not the biggest focus, "said Yoshida, as reported by Softpedia.

"When you look at the five key principles behind the design of the PS4, actually none related to hardware. It's all about how people are enjoying the game and realize the system software features and functions of networking, "he continued.

During introductions PlasyStation 4 some time ago, Sony talked about sharing option on its hardware that allows players to quickly join a group of his friends. In addition, Sony also showed images and clips through the game new button on the controller.

The company also wants to make streaming content to be a big part of the experience of the PlayStation 4. So, gamers can quickly access the video game. Sony's latest console is rumored to be facing strong competition in the near future, namely the "Xbox 720" from Microsoft is expected to be introduced at the end of May.


