
Will Microsoft Launches 8-inch Tablet in June

Microsoft Launches 8-inch Tablet in June
pict: | Microsoft Launches 8-inch Tablet in June - Microsoft is rumored to be debuting the latest generation of tablet Surface. From reliable sources say, the software giant will launch 8-inch tablet next month. Here Gadget Lounges take on it

8 inch tablet that will be rolled before the latest 10-inch version was released in the third quarter of 2013. Surface 8 inches called will use the touch-screen panel from Samsung Electronics.

In addition, Microsoft is also reportedly took Nvidia to develop the tablet processors and Pegatron will be responsible for the production phase.

Sources also said that, after Microsoft Surface cleaning the 10.6 inches supplies, it is likely the company will present a 10-inch tablet size which is smaller than the current version.

Microsoft is expected to provide one million units for a monthly shipment of the devices. Sources claim, Microsoft looks more optimistic with two new tablets than the current version of Surface.

As for Microsoft performer tablet market, according to research firm reports the International Data Corporation (IDC), Microsoft shipped 900 thousand units of tablets during the first quarter of 2013. In the same period, competitors such as Apple shipped 19.5 million units of the tablet, followed by Samsung 8.8 million units, Asuste 2.7 million units, and 1.8 million units of the Amazon.

