
2014 Say Goodbye To Windows XP

Bye-Bye Windows XP | Bye-Bye Windows XP - Shocking news came to the loyal users of Windows XP. The reason, Microsoft is rumored to be cease its support for the Windows XP operating system next year. Here Gadget Lounges talk on it

Thus, all users of Windows XP is expected to soon 'migration' to Windows 7 or Windows 8. Vice President and Research Director at Forrester, Michael Barnes also confirmed that "Windows XP" will soon end up like windows 98 that had already been 'retired'.

"This is because Windows 98 and Windows 2000 is no longer compatible with the new products that will be present, not only in terms of the software but also the hardware," said Barnes.

End Of Windows 98

As information, the results of a survey released by Net Applications recently said that Windows XP is still the operating system of choice to be installed onto computers worldwide with 37.17 percent.

Meanwhile, Microsoft hopes that the 'migration' of Windows XP users will be completed on April 8. Following the introduction of Windows 9 beta version in early 2014.

