
Game Info : 2014, Final Fantasy XIV Launched in PS4

2014, Final Fantasy XIV Launched in PS4 | 2014, Final Fantasy XIV Launched in PS4 - Most popular game sequel, Final Fantasy XIV : A Realm Reborn will reportedly slid in the Sony PlayStation 4 in February 2014 as a beta version. The adventure game is expected to be officially slid in April 2014. Here Gadget Lounge talk on it

A new trailer shows new Final Fantasy sequel will land at the new generation console, the PlayStation 4. This new game will support PS Vita device as a remote play.

The new trailer featuring Japanese text showing the PS Vita can be used as a remote controller. Trailer also shows the characteristics of the battle system of Final Fantasy turn-based style.

Producer and director Naoki Yoshida will feature a new version of the platform on Saturday, December 14, 2013. Final Fantasy fans can also watch the new version of the platform, where they can also view the content patch 2.1, which is scheduled for release on December 17, 2013.

For the information, the PlayStation 4 has sold 2.1 million units in North America, Europe and America Latin. The new game console will not release until February 22, 2014 in Japan.

