
Ubuntu Ready To Roll In Mobile This Year

"Ubuntu" Ready To Roll In Mobile
pict: techno.okezone | Ubuntu Ready To Roll In Mobile - Free computer operating system based on Debian Linux, "Ubuntu", ready to try out this year's on smartphone operating system market. At the same time Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu), will also announce the distribution of the Ubuntu operating system.

Experiments Ubuntu operating system on smartphones has been demonstrated by the Google Nexus. This test proves that Ubuntu runs smoothly on Android-based devices.

However, this is only a test done by Canonical, Ubuntu prepares to enter the competition on the smartphone operating system market. Shuttleworth realized, the company is facing new challenges in the competitive smartphone market world.

As a beginner, Canonical Ubuntu will prepare to target the low-end market with 30 percent of smart phone usage is on the basic functions (not using Java as a "virtual machine"). For other categories, Ubuntu will follow the competition by generating a superphone.

"The device is claimed to have the power to bring you more experience than smartphones,"

Canonical believes, users will be able to easily install Ubuntu on their handset (for Goggle Nexus will probably come about 3 weeks). Only, Canonical hopes Ubuntu already in smartphone shipments in a single package. So this year "Ubuntu" Ready To Roll In Mobile

