
Sony Reveals New Game On PS 4

Sony Reveals New Game On PS 4 | Sony Reveals New Game On PS 4 - Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (SCEA) today revealed the continuation of the commitments that have been made previously. The company promised to provide the experience and the latest innovations for gamers, by presenting some game titles from some independent developers. Here Gadget Lounges

Some independent game developers who have a "special relationship" with Sony, plans to use the new console of PlayStation 4 (PS 4), to test their games made. Sony also provides some convenience for developers such as publications on the PlayStation Network as well as personal.

"We have a tremendous team every day to talk to developers, and some new titles this is clear evidence of their hard work with independent game developers," said Vice President, Publisher and SCEA Developer Relations, Adam Boyes.

Quoted from Sony Computer Entertainment America on Tuesday, several game titles SCEA revealed today include Blacklight: Retribution, Primal Carnage: Genesis, The Witness, Divekick, and Metrico. The title game is scheduled to be shown SCEA on multiple consoles such as Sony's PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita.

"The process and our approach has been to do with the developers, it aims to discover new talent and help them in terms of funding. For independent developers can provide their best game on the "PlayStation"," said Boyes.

