
Vicious Trojan Infected Android OS

Found Most 'Vicious' Trojan For Android
pict:okezone | Found Most 'Vicious' Trojan For Android - Who says Android platform rid of trojan or malware? Recently discovered trojan viruse that is able to automatically perform activities which are very detrimental to its users. Here Gadget Lounges talk on it

As 'growing' malware on Android, then the author is able to create a program that is more sadistic evil. Roman Unuchek from Kaspersky research revealed that his team discovered a new type of trojan.

Trojan For Android

This Trojan are said to be the most sophisticated ever discovered. Reportedly, this trojan called 'Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a'. What does this rogue program is quite detrimental to the user.

Trojan is reportedly able to send an automatic SMS to premium numbers, as well as downloading other malware programs do automatic install on the infected device. Not only that, this trojan malware can also spread via bluetooth to other devices.

Android OS Get Infected By Trojan

In addition, researchers from the computer security firm said that the malware makers usually try to make the code as complicated as possible. "It's very rare to see a sophisticated hideaway 'Odad.a' in mobile malware," said Roman.

Thus, this trojan difficult to detect because it is hidden. According to him, this trojan can perform some of the functions are very complex and dangerous to be dissected or found a way to eliminate it.

