
Xbox Games Between iOS and Android

Xbox Games Will Roll to iOS & Android?
pict:okezone | Xbox Games Will Roll to iOS and Android? - Rumors say that the iPhone and the Android platform will soon get a number of games that appear on the Microsoft Xbox and Windows Phone. One of them is the "Age of the Empires".

Xbox and PC gaming possibilities could appear in the Apple iPhone and Android devices this year. The news circulated from the Nikkei reports through Reuters website. Here Gadget Lounge talk on it

The tech giant is reportedly working on a licensing agreement with the Japanese mobile game called KLab. Licensing agreement that will bring games that appear on the Xbox to be visited the smartphone platform.

Xbox Games At iOS and Android

One of the first games to be released is the Age of the Empires, which will reportedly be a free game on iOS and Android later this year. As we all know Microsoft's Windows Phone has access to dozens of Xbox and PC games, but both of these popular mobile operating system can only access few Xbox games.

If this deal goes through, it will be more games that can be brought to the iPhone and Android devices.

