
Android 4.3

Android 4.3 Officially Launched
pict:okezone | Android 4.3 Officially Launched - After so long discussed, Google finally officially released the latest version of the Android operating system (OS) which called by 4.3 Jelly Bean. Although present as a series Jelly Bean, but Android 4.3 comes with new features. Here Gadget Lounges talk on it

Android 4.3 Officially Launched

Google adds support for multi-user owned Android 4.2, but for the latest version of Android, the company also provides additional features Restricted Profiles. This feature allows users to control access to content and applications to specific users. This is useful, especially for parents because it can control the content that can be accessed by children.

Get Android 4.3 OS

Through Android updates, Google also strengthen the presence of game. The search engine giant improve OpenGL support for the latest version of OpenGL ES 3.0, so developers can make games better.

Latest Nexus 7 will be the first device to taste the Android 4.3. Furthermore, Google will release the latest OS for the Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and Samsung Galaxy devices, including the Galaxy S4 Google Edition, as well as HTC.

