
HTC 6 Inches Smartphone

HTC Ready To Launch 6 Inches Smartphone
pict:okezone | HTC Ready To Launch 6 Inches Smartphone - HTC plans to launch two variants of its newest smartphone this year, HTC One Mini and HTC One Max. Here Gadget Lounges talk on it

HTC One Mini design brings a more petite and less prices than HTC One. Leakings new on HTC One Mini during the last few months, the Galaxy Mini S4 competitors comes with a form similar to the One. HTC One Mini rumored to be launched at the beginning of next month.

HTC One Max 6 Inches Smartphone

Furthermore, HTC One Max is said to be buried 6-inch screen, as reported MobileGeeks. It is probable that a phone made ​​by HTC will be launched in September.

Although the company made ​​a profit that was disappointing during the past few quarters, but HTC continues to innovate and continue bringing the smartphone to be well received by the world community.

Evidently, up to now there are still many people who think HTC as Android-based mobile phone manufacturer that has a pretty good reputation in the market.

