
Game: Google Play Flooded by Fake 'Swing Copters' | Google Play Flooded by Fake 'Swing Copters' - Dong Nguyen, a phenomenal game developer Flappy Bird has been revealing his new game which titles Swing copters. This game can be played on the Android platform. However, when you type the keyword on Google Play Swing copters, then thrown up a lot of game cloning or artificial application of Swing copters. Swing copters landed for fans of games on Android and iOS. Here Gadget Lounges will take you on Google Play Flooded by Fake 'Swing copters'.

Google Play Flooded by Fake 'Swing copters'

Google Play Flooded by Fake 'Swing Copters'
Google Play Flooded by Fake 'Swing Copters'
Nguyen managed to draw the game Flappy Bird because of many downloaded his game. Reportedly, his revenue reached $ 50 thousand per day from the ads in the game. Nguyen's name became well-known and it is expected to launch a new game, Swing Copters. Some game developers seem to take advantage of the popularity of Nguyen with his latest game featuring a new challenge. On Google Play, many similar games with Swing Copters circulating and unnerve consumers to choose which the original game is. For those who want to download, be sure to watch the original developer named "Gears Studios'. This game has a heavy 3,1MB and has been updated on 21 August 2014.

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